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Daydreaming on Bed


Pain Points that Parents Faced

Lack of Personalized Attention:


Many parents struggle to find intervention programs that offer personalized attention tailored to their child's unique needs.


Solution: Our Holistic Learning model emphasizes a personalized approach, ensuring that each child receives individualized support, addressing their specific challenges and strengths.


Coordination of Multiple Therapies:


Coordinating various therapies for a child with special needs can be overwhelming for parents, leading to confusion and stress.


Solution: Our comprehensive approach covers multiple domains of development in one program, streamlining the process for parents. No need to juggle multiple interventions – we've got it covered.


Limited Inclusivity in Educational Settings:


Parents often face challenges in finding inclusive educational environments that support their child's diverse needs.


Solution: Our Home Based Early Intervention Business prioritizes inclusivity, providing a supportive environment where every child, regardless of their abilities, feels welcomed and valued.

Future Independence Concerns:


Parents worry about their child's future independence, questioning if interventions are preparing them adequately for life beyond childhood.


Solution: Our Holistic Learning approach specifically addresses adaptive daily living skills, ensuring that children develop the practical skills necessary for increased independence as they grow.

Emotional Well-being of the Child:


Parents are often concerned about their child's emotional well-being, especially in the face of societal challenges and potential stigmatization.


Solution: Our focus on socio-emotional development within the holistic framework aims to build emotional intelligence and resilience, creating a positive self-image and fostering mental well-being.

Concerns that Parents Faced

Question: What are some examples of developmental delays?  


Answer: Delayed onset of speech and communication, lack of social awareness (eg lack of eye contact and lack of responding to one's own name) and even delay in gross or fine motor skills (e.g pencil grip) are just some indicators of developmental delays. Please feel free to contact us about any specific details unique to your child. ​


Question: Does my child have to be diagnosed to start on any of your programmes?  


Answer: Your child does not need to be medically diagnosed to start on our programmes as we will do an assessment for your child to assess their current level of learning and functioning. Parents who have observed and experienced any cognitive or developmental challenges in their child can seek our help too. 


Question: What is Early Intervention and how does it benefit my kid? 


Answer: Early Intervention helps children improve their abilities, bridge any developmental gaps and learn new skills! It’s important to act early because the connections in a baby’s brain are most adaptable in the first three years of life. These connections, also called neural circuits, are the foundation for learning, behaviour and health. Overtime, these connections become harder to change. The earlier developmental delays are detected and intervention begins, the greater the chance a young child has of achieving his or her best potential. Early Intervention services can change a child’s developmental path and improve outcomes for children, families and communities. Family also benefit from early intervention by being able to better meet their child’s needs from an early age and throughout their lives. 


Question: How long does it take to see results? ​


Answer: As each child is unique, their responses to our programmes will also vary at different pace. However, consistency in early intervention has been shown to achieve the most success.


Questions : How are your programmes created?


Answer: Our Case Manager, together with our Therapist, will assess your child’s needs and work together to create a program that is tailored to your child’s strengths and interests to bridge any developmental gaps and target new skills too.  


Question: How long are our sessions? ​


Answer: Each session lasts for 1.5 to 2 hours and will be held at the comfort of your own home. Frequency of sessions will be advised upon assessment and are also flexibly arranged to suit your budget and schedule.  


Question: What are your main areas of focus? 


Answer: Our main areas of focus are : Communication, Self Help Skills, Social, Motor and Cognitive skills.

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